Thursday, September 17, 2015

Autosolve Substitution Cipher


Extend the program developed in Problem 11 so that it initially tries to decrypt the message. Here is one sensible way to proceed. Use the computed letter frequencies and the known frequencies of English for an initial guess at the key. Then from the resulting putative decryption, count the number of dictionary words that appear and use this as a “score.” Next, for each letter in the key, try swapping it with a letter that is adjacent (with respect to frequency counts) and recompute the score. If the score improves, update the key; if not, don’t update the key. Iterate this process until the score does not improve for an entire pass through the alphabet. At this point you will pass your putative decryption to the analyst. In order to aid the analyst in the manual phase, your program should maintain all of the functionality of the program for Problem 11.

Problem 11 refers to Substitution Ciphers post (the previous post -

Dictionary class used below uses code from

Alpha Shift class in code below uses code from

Note: This is from Mark Stamp's Information Security: Principles and Practice book, chapter 2. Solution below was submitted as homework for CS265 Cryptography and Information Security class at San Jose State University.

Input text to decrypt


Steps used to decrypt

Pseudocode of the commands called in the program for problem 13 options to solve:
1. Use the monogram frequencies to map x to e, c to t
2. Use trigram frequencies to map j to h, to form a max trigram word the
3. Run the auto solve algorithm. Notice that it decodes the word them, by replacing t with m. But we are not sure of this. So we’ll put it on hold.
4. Use 4 gram frequencies to map s to o to form the top 4 gram word as ‘othe’
5. Run auto solve again. We see words ‘them’ and ‘to oth’ revealing
6. Use 5 gram frequencies to map b to r to form a top frequency word ‘other’
7. Run autosolve again. We see words such as NEVER, OTHER, OTTO, THEM, TOKE, TOOT, TOOTH, WERE appearing.
8. Use monogram frequencies to map z to a
9. Run the auto solve function to see possible words. We see more words revealing: NEVE, NEVER, OTHER, OTTO, TALL, THAN, THAT, THEM, TOKE, TOOT, TOOTH, VEAL, WERE, WHAT
10. Since NEVER has been appearing for quite some time in the autosolve for the partially decoded ‘MeDer’, we try n for m and v for d.
11. For the part ’otherQthat’, we see that the Q can only be s. So we map that using option 3.
12. We see that the A in aAAear can be guessed as p. So we map that too using option 3.
13. We see “haveGeen” and guess G to be b and map using option 3.
14. We guess “appeareH” to be ’appeared’ & map H to d
15. We guess “theT” to be ‘them’ since we already got it using the auto solve algorithm and also based on the words around it and map T to m.
16. We guess “otherOVse” to be ‘otherwise’. So map O to w, V to i.
17. We guess “woPLd” to be ‘would’. So map P to u, L to l.
18. We guess “miWht” to ‘might’, ‘ourselI’ to “ourself”, ‘Nou’ to be ‘You’, ‘imaWine’ to ‘imagine’ and finally Nourself’ to be ‘yourself ’ and map their corresponding characters again.
19. This unravels the plaintext. We add spaces and verify the quote in alice and wonderland ebook.

Autosolve options provided in Solution

**** Possible Operations: ****
1. Print monogram frequencies
2. Try auto solve
3. Map letters & replace
4. Guess a key
5. See current mappings
6. Reset to beginning
7. Print possible shift cipher plaintexts
8. Exit
9. Print trigram frequencies
10. Print bigram frequencies
11. Print quad letter frequencies
12. Print 5 gram frequencies
13. Print n gram frequencies
14. Show what's been guessed so far


Words to build the Dictionary in the code -
Alice in wonderland story to verify decrypted text:
An awesome free tool that breaks nearly every simple cipher - 


package Cypto;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class SubstitutionCipher2 {

 BufferedReader reader;
 String ciphertext;
 String plaintext;
 String guessed;
 String cipherLetterFreq = "";
 Map currentMapping;

 static String letterFreqOrder ="";

 public SubstitutionCipher2(){
  //  reset();

 void printEnglishLetterFrequency()
  System.out.println("English letter frequency counts"); 
  System.out.println("E - 1202 | T - 910 | A - 812 | O - 768 | I - 731");
  System.out.println("N - 695 | S - 628 | R - 602 | H - 592 | D - 432");
  System.out.println("L - 398 | U - 288 | C - 271 | M - 261 | F - 230 | Y - 211 | W - 209 | G - 203");
  System.out.println("B - 182 | P - 149 | V - 111 | K - 69 | X - 17 | Q - 11 | J - 10 | Z - 7"); 

 void storeOneLetterCounts() {
  StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
  temp.append("E"); temp.append("T"); temp.append("A"); temp.append("O"); temp.append("I");
  temp.append("N"); temp.append("S"); temp.append("R"); temp.append("H"); temp.append("D");
  temp.append("L"); temp.append("U"); temp.append("C"); temp.append("M"); temp.append("F");
  temp.append("Y"); temp.append("W"); temp.append("G"); temp.append("");
  temp.append("B"); temp.append("P"); temp.append("V"); temp.append("K"); temp.append("X");
  temp.append("Q"); temp.append("J"); temp.append("Z");
  letterFreqOrder = temp.toString();
  //  System.out.println(letterFreqOrder.length());

 private void reset(){
  currentMapping = new LinkedHashMap();
  for(int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++){
   currentMapping.put((char)i, '-');
  plaintext = ciphertext;
  StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
  for(int i=0; i< ciphertext.length(); i++){
  guessed = temp.toString();

 private void createInputBuffer(){
  reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

 private void closeInputBufer() throws Exception{
   try {
   } catch (IOException e) {

    throw new Exception("Error while trying to close the input stream");

 private void getCipherText() throws Exception {
  System.out.println("***** Substitution Cipher Cracker *****");
  System.out.print("Enter ciphertext: ");

  reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  try {
   ciphertext = reader.readLine();
  } catch (IOException e) {
   throw new Exception("Error while reading the ciphertext");


  ciphertext = ciphertext.toUpperCase();
  System.out.println("Ciphertext (in upper case) entered is '" + ciphertext + "'");

 private void getCurrentOneLetterCounts(){

 private boolean isCapLetter(char c){
  return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');

 public void problem13() {
  try {
  } catch (Exception e) {
  finally {
   try {
   } catch (Exception e) {

 private void provideOptions() {
  int input = 0;
  do {
   System.out.println("**** Possible Operations: ****");
   System.out.println("1. Print monogram frequencies");
   System.out.println("2. Try auto solve");
   System.out.println("3. Map letters & replace");
   System.out.println("4. Guess a key");
   System.out.println("5. See current mappings");
   System.out.println("6. Reset to beginning");
   System.out.println("7. Print possible shift cipher plaintexts");
   System.out.println("8. Exit");
   System.out.println("9. Print trigram frequencies");
   System.out.println("10. Print bigram frequencies");
   System.out.println("11. Print quad letter frequencies");
   System.out.println("12. Print 5 gram frequencies");
   System.out.println("13. Print n gram frequencies ");
   System.out.println("14. Show what's been guessed so far");
   System.out.println("Choose an operation by providing the number for it:");
   try {
    String temp = reader.readLine();
    if(temp.length() == 0) continue;
    input = Integer.valueOf(temp);
    if(input!= 8) processInput(input);
    else break;
   } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Invalid input. Print enter to continue");
  } while(input != 8);
  System.out.println("Exiting Program");

 private void processInput(int input) throws Exception {

  switch(input) {
  case 1:  getCurrentOneLetterCounts(); break;
  case 2: autoSolve(); break;
  case 3: mapLetter(); break;
  case 4: guessAKey(); break;
  case 6: reset(); break;
  case 5: System.out.println(currentMapping); break;
  case 7: AlphaShift as = new AlphaShift();
  case 9: getCurrentThreeLetterCounts(); break;
  case 10: getCurrentTwoLetterCounts(); break;
  case 11: getQaudFreq(); break;
  case 12: getFiveGramFreq(); break;
  case 13: getnGramFreq(); break;
  case 14: showGuessed(); break;

  default: System.out.println("Invalid Input. Try again!"); break;


 private void showGuessed() {

  System.out.println("What's been guessed so far: " + guessed);
  System.out.println("Partially decoded text: " + plaintext);

 private void getnGramFreq() {

  System.out.println("Enter n: ");
  try {
   String temp = reader.readLine();
   int n = Integer.valueOf(temp);
  } catch (IOException e) {
   System.out.println("Invalid input!!!! ");


 private void getFiveGramFreq() {

  System.out.println("English Five gram frequencies:");
  System.out.println("OFTHE :  0.18        ANDTH :  0.07        CTION :  0.05"
    +"ATION :  0.17        NDTHE :  0.07        WHICH :  0.05"
    +"INTHE :  0.16        ONTHE :  0.07        THESE :  0.05"
    +"THERE :  0.09        EDTHE :  0.06        AFTER :  0.05"
    +"INGTH :  0.09        THEIR :  0.06        EOFTH :  0.05"
    +"TOTHE :  0.08        TIONA :  0.06        ABOUT :  0.04"
    +"NGTHE :  0.08        ORTHE :  0.06        ERTHE :  0.04"
    +"OTHER :  0.07        FORTH :  0.06        IONAL :  0.04"
    +"ATTHE :  0.07        INGTO :  0.06        FIRST :  0.04"
    +"TIONS :  0.07        THECO :  0.05        WOULD :  0.04");

 private void autoSolve() {

  char[] reverseKey = initializeAutoKey();
  Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
  String in;
  do {
   String decodedText = decode(reverseKey);
   System.out.println(decodedText + " =>  ");
   int score = dict.countSubWords(decodedText);

   score = autoUpdateKey(reverseKey, dict, score);

   System.out.println("Repeat using the above key?(0 for no, 1 for yes)");
   in ="";
   try {
    in = reader.readLine();
   } catch (IOException e) {
  } while("1".equals(in));

 private int autoUpdateKey(char[] reverseKey, Dictionary dict, int score) {
  boolean swap;
   swap = false;
   for(int i=0; i< reverseKey.length-1; i++) {
    //   for(int i=0; i  ");
     int newScore = dict.countSubWords(newDecodedtext);

     if(newScore > score) {
      swap = true;
      score = newScore; 
     else swap(reverseKey, i, j);
  }while (swap ==  true);

  char[] key = printKey(reverseKey);

  System.out.println("Putative Key that maps ciphertext letters to plaintext = " + Arrays.toString(key));
  System.out.println("Decoded Text = " + decode(reverseKey));
  System.out.println("Cipher text =  " + ciphertext);
  return score;

 private char[] printKey(char[] reverseKey) {
  char[] key = new char[26];
  for(int i=0; i added = new HashMap();
  int i=0;
  for(int j=0; i < letterFreqOrder.length() && j < cipherLetterFreq.length();j++) {

   char curCipherLetter = cipherLetterFreq.charAt(j);
   int pos = curCipherLetter - 'A';
   //   System.out.println(curCipherLetter);
   if(currentMapping.get(curCipherLetter) != '-' && !added.containsKey(currentMapping.get(curCipherLetter))){
    reverseKey[pos] = currentMapping.get(curCipherLetter);

   } else {
    while(added.containsKey(letterFreqOrder.charAt(i)) && i < letterFreqOrder.length()) i++;
    if(i< letterFreqOrder.length()) reverseKey[pos] = letterFreqOrder.charAt(i++);

   added.put(reverseKey[pos], true);
   //   System.out.println("currentCipherchar = " + curCipherLetter 
   //     + ", Pos = " + pos + ", plainchar = " + reverseKey[pos]);

  for(int j=0; j < reverseKey.length; j++){
   if(reverseKey[j] == '-'){
    while(added.containsKey(letterFreqOrder.charAt(i)) && i < letterFreqOrder.length()) i++;
    if(i< letterFreqOrder.length()) reverseKey[j] = letterFreqOrder.charAt(i++);

  return reverseKey;

 private void getCurrentTwoLetterCounts() {

  System.out.println("English Bigram frequencies");
  System.out.println("TH :  2.71        EN :  1.13        NG :  0.89"
    +" HE :  2.33        AT :  1.12        AL :  0.88"
    +"IN :  2.03        ED :  1.08        IT :  0.88"
    +"ER :  1.78        ND :  1.07        AS :  0.87"
    +"AN :  1.61        TO :  1.07        IS :  0.86"
    +"RE :  1.41        OR :  1.06        HA :  0.83"
    +"ES :  1.32        EA :  1.00        ET :  0.76"
    +"ON :  1.32        TI :  0.99        SE :  0.73"
    +"ST :  1.25        AR :  0.98        OU :  0.72"
    +"NT :  1.17        TE :  0.98        OF :  0.71");



 private Map getnLetterCounts(int n) {
  HashMap mapCounts = new HashMap();
  for(int i=0; i < plaintext.length(); i++){
   if((i+n-1) >= plaintext.length()) break;
   String s = plaintext.substring(i, i+n);
   Integer cnt = mapCounts.get(s);
   if(cnt == null) mapCounts.put(s, 1);
   else mapCounts.put(s, cnt+1);
  LinkedHashMap sortedMapCount = sortByValue(mapCounts);
  return sortedMapCount;

 private void computeLetterFreq(){

  Map temp = getnLetterCounts(1);
  for (String s : temp.keySet()) {
   cipherLetterFreq += s;
  //  System.out.println(cipherLetterFreq.length());
 private void guessAKey() throws Exception {

  System.out.print("Guess a key for abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz: ");
  String putativeKey = "";

  try {
   putativeKey = reader.readLine();
  } catch (IOException e) {
   throw new Exception("Error while reading the putative key");


 private void getPlaintext(Map key) {
  StringBuffer plaintextBuf = new StringBuffer();
  for(int i = 0; i < ciphertext.length(); i++) {
   Character c = key.get(ciphertext.charAt(i));
   if(c == null) {
    System.out.println("Error: Character " + ciphertext.charAt(i)
      + " in ciphertext is not mapped to any alphabet");
   else plaintextBuf.append(c);
  System.out.println("Putative Plaintext is: " + plaintextBuf.toString());
  System.out.println("Note: Mapping not updated");

 private void createKeyMap(String putativeKey) {
  Map key = new HashMap();
  if(putativeKey.length() < 26) {
   System.out.println("Key input is less than 26 characters. Invalid Key!");
  putativeKey = putativeKey.toUpperCase();

  for(int i=0; i = input.length()){
    System.out.println("No character entered for cipherLetter:" + c
      + ". No changes made");
   char p = input.charAt(i);
    System.out.println("Invalid character entered for cipherletter");

   currentMapping.put(c, p);

  guessed =  ciphertext;
  plaintext = ciphertext;
  for(int i='A'; i <= 'Z'; i++){
   char c = currentMapping.get((char)i);
   guessed = guessed.replace((char)i, Character.toLowerCase(c));
   if(c != '-') plaintext = plaintext.replace((char)i, Character.toLowerCase(c));


 @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
 private static LinkedHashMap sortByValue(Map unsortMap) {  
  List list = new LinkedList(unsortMap.entrySet());

  Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() {
   public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
    return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) (o2)).getValue())
      .compareTo(((Map.Entry) (o1)).getValue());

  LinkedHashMap sortedMap = new LinkedHashMap();
  for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
   Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
   sortedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
  return sortedMap;

 private void getCurrentThreeLetterCounts(){

 private void printTrigramFreq() {

  System.out.println("English Trigram counts:");
  System.out.println("THE: 1.81   ERE:  0.31        HES :  0.24"
    + "AND :  0.73        TIO :  0.31        VER :  0.24"
    + "ING :  0.72        TER :  0.30        HIS :  0.24"
    + "ENT :  0.42        EST :  0.28        OFT :  0.22"
    + "ION :  0.42        ERS :  0.28        ITH :  0.21"
    + "HER :  0.36        ATI :  0.26        FTH :  0.21"
    + "FOR :  0.34        HAT :  0.26        STH :  0.21"
    + "THA :  0.33        ATE :  0.25        OTH :  0.21"
    + "NTH :  0.33        ALL :  0.25        RES :  0.21"
    + "INT :  0.32        ETH :  0.24        ONT :  0.20"
    + "");


 public static void main(String[] args) {

  SubstitutionCipher2 sc = new SubstitutionCipher2();



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